How to Choose a Look You Can Live With
"My hair was so much a part of my personality and all my photo shoots. I hid behind my hair. And then, I just decided I was okay with myself. To have short hair and really show my face is even more revealing than anything. It's a statement - not to everyone else, more to myself. I'm just ready to get out from behind my hair and be myself."
Pamela Anderson
Change isn't easy... if you're considering a new stylist or just want a new look, how do you decide whether you're ready for a change or what would look good on you?
One of the most common questions stylists get asked is "What do you think of this look on me?" Inevitably the client has curly hair and the pic they've chosen is one with straight hair and vice-versa.
When choosing a look it's important to consider a few things...
1) Does the model in the pic have a similar hair type to yours?
I know this sounds obvious, but women are aspirational creatures. We want what we see and sometimes don't understand the consequences to picking a look that goes against our hair type. For example, say you have hair like this...
and want a look like this...
Is it possible? Of course. But there will be work involved on a daily basis. If blow drying AND flat ironing are not on your daily agenda now, can you manage that every time you shampoo your hair?
2) Does the look require a lot of maintenance?
Maintenance comes in different forms.. There's daily, weekly and monthly levels of maintenance.
Daily maintenance will range from shampooing and treating your locks to a possible blowdry and styling regime.
Weekly maintenance could involve using a color refreshing shampoo ( if you have a highly pigmented color), to a weekly deep cleansing and mask treatment.
Monthly maintenance may involve a root touch up or even a trim if you choose a short look.
3) Do you have the budget to maintain your new look?
Your aspirational color may require a LOT of maintenance. As I have spoken about in my Consultation Do's and Don'ts blogs, discussing cost should be a part of ANY consultation, but it's even more important if you want to change your color dramatically. So please, please, please ask your stylist about maintenance costs. A good stylist will have suggestions about how to get the look you want (or something close) without breaking your budget.
Bottom line... talk to a stylist you trust before you take the plunge!
Viv is an award winning stylist with 30 years experience, constant training and a passion for style and service!